The Three Most Dangerous Exercises and How to Do Them Right

Most fitness coaches highlight the importance of multi-joint, compound exercises. They engage more muscles, require more work and, consequently, result in better gains and an increase in strength. However, if done improperly, these exercises may lead to serious muscle and joint injuries.

So, what are the most dangerous exercises? And what can you do to avoid injuries?

Exercise #1: Squat

Knees and lower back are the parts of the body that carry most of the pressure during squats. And, while early studies showed some concerns about the effects of squats on our knee ligaments, later studies showed that there is nothing wrong with the exercise itself. The reason why people tend to get injured while doing squats is most likely due to improper form.

Exercise #2: Behind the Back-Military Press

The shoulder has a very complex range of motion – more than any other joint. To do this exercise properly, you must externally rotate your shoulders, which puts them in a very bad position. Since most people don’t have this kind of shoulder flexibility, they often bend their neck forward, which can lead to neck strains.

Exercise #3: Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Research shows that lower back injuries are the most common in the fitness world, making stiff-legged deadlifts one of the most dangerous exercises. When doing this exercise, an arch should be maintained in the lower back. This can sometimes be very hard to accomplish, so people often relax their spine muscles as they lean towards the floor, which leads to more muscle tension in this area.

What Can You Do?

Although these exercises may seem dangerous, they can be very useful and have an important role in your workout routine. The key to staying safe is proper form. Be aware of your abilities, and only increase weight when it feels comfortable. Also, don’t ignore pain – as soon as you feel even slight discomfort, reduce weight and do the exercise again. Remember – there are no dangerous exercises if you use proper form to execute them.

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